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Time/Resource Trade-Off In Project Management: Analysis And Impacts On Project Performance

Posted on:2005-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Mamady Alkaly CamaraFull Text:PDF
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The inherent problems of project acceleration are not just a matter to be glossed over with fashion but rather portend a seeming importance in view of the competitive nature of world-class organization; this also poses a severe threat for the medium size enterprises and industries alike. The controversy surrounding this issue overtime has become more accentuated practically due to the lack of balance between the over riding objective of having a short time framework for a project, and at a relatively low cost without impacting heavily on the quality of work done. The quest to enhance the balance between these conflicting objectives has inadvertently become a morbid desire for project managers. In view of the complex nature of this issue, an attempt was made here to put the matter in perspective. Basically, to explore the subject matter more critically, the differences between the time/cost trade-off and the time/resource trade-off, the necessity to use especially the time/resource trade-off in a context of multiplicity, of non fragmentation and non substitutability of resources were analyzed. Through a typology of tools in project acceleration, the thesis introduces two different approaches to deal with the lack of instruments in this special case which are, to wit: An optimization approach with respect to the identity adherence of the resources, the Multi-Objective Linear Programming in whole numbers (MOLIP); A heuristic approach with respect to the identity adherence of the resources, and the Exploration Modified Approach by Cut (EMAC).These two approaches take into account the rarity of the different types of resources without penalizing the project accomplishment.Results obtained show that both the MOLIP and EMAC methods and approaches are effective in the realization of a Time/Resource Trade-Off within the central framework that allow the judicious consideration of multiplicity, non-fragmentation, and non-substitutability of resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project Management, Project acceleration, Time/Resources Trade-Off, Multi-Objective Linear Programming (MOLIP), Exploration Modified Approach by Cut (EMAC)
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