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The Criminal Law Guarantees The Right To Work To

Posted on:2011-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The first part, by reference to some of the constitution and the right to explain the work of the basic content, the main features, and ordinary citizens to work, the difference to the right to labor summaries. The second part, to briefly before the founding of new china's criminal the right to work, and from legalization of the founding of the different historical period to explain the criminal policy of the right to work, the law, and by themselves, income from prison, human rights protection in different historical period to the right to work out the functions and set out after the founding of new china the legalization of the situation is a basic right to work to emphasize the protection of change, not to attach importance to change from a man to the rule of law changes. The third part, from the law, the execution practice and damage to the relief for the three aspects of the security of our right to work in question was analysed. The fourth part, the right to work for the protection of the guiding ideology of the analysis, the criminal to work to protect the basic concept is to improve law and to strengthen law enforcement, the establishment of a judicial guarantee ( relief ), and will introduce judicial review the need for relief way and made an analytical and arguments.
Keywords/Search Tags:prison, labour, law guarantees, the right to
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