In recent years, because of our stronger economy and higher living standards, people's demand for international rail passenger transport becomes increasingly large. As the development of passenger transport, China urgently needs to improve the legal regulations of international railway passenger transport.By analyzing and comparing "Agreement on international passenger transport" and "Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Rail", making reference to rules of international railway passenger transport in foreign countries and the PRC current legal regulations, the paper puts forward the corresponding legislative proposal to regulations of the railway passenger transport of Hong Kong.This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is introduction. The second part gives a brief overview of the relevant concepts in the issue of international passenger transport by railway. The third part is the analysis of international railway passenger transport regulations, which introduces "Agreement on international passenger transport" and "Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Rail". The fourth part is the basic legal issues research of international passenger transport by railway. The fifth part compares rules of international railway passenger transport in foreign countries and the PRC, and proposes suggestions to improve railway law system of the PRC. Then it presents a perfect to improve legislative proposals to regulations of the railway passenger transport on Hong Kong. The last part makes the final conclusion and points out further research tasks.This paper aims to perfecting the legislation to regulations of international railway passenger transport by learning the successful experience of international passenger transport. |