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Legal Protection Of The Women's Equal Rights To Employment

Posted on:2012-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J GeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article resolves the concept of equal employment rights and the importance of gender equality in employment, and the status of female employment in our country, and try my best to find effective ways to solve this problem.The first part of the analysis the basic concepts of equal employment rights, basic contents and legal characteristics, and explains the importance of equality between women and employment.The second section describes the status of female employment, and the various manifestations of the employment of women cannot enjoy equal employment rights.The third part analysis that there are many reasons for discrimination against women in employment, including the social reasons, economic reasons and legal reasons, which the law is the most important reason. The forth part main proposes policy and suggestions from the law on strengthening women's employment. First, on the legislation, we should improve the relevant laws about promote women's employment; Second, on the enforcement, in order to guarantee the enforcement work make effective, the government should establish and improve the mechanism for preventative about women's equal right to employment Last, on the judicial, we should establish appropriate legal mechanisms and reinforce the arbitration commission's functions on employment discrimination. In addition to these, we should change the concept of gender and improve the quality of women themselves, and increase the responsibitity of employers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Equal employmentright, Women employment, Laws guarantee
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