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Marx's Theory Of Alienation And Harmonious Society Construction

Posted on:2012-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M CheFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330338493910Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theory of alienation is one of the most important parts of Marx's whole ideology. Marx put great emphasis on the issue of alienation in his academic thought throughout his life. In Marx's early works The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, he was not content with just exploring the fact of alienation of labor, but trying to show a fine society through criticize of alienation of labor, which is most embodied in the communist society where the contradictions between people and the nature, people and people, people and the society are successfully resolved.The communist society is not only an ideal harmonious society, but also a kind of practice movement which constantly aufhebens the alienation of labor and the private ownership of property. In the light of this, the paper tries to interpret Marx's theory about the alienation of labor, since abundant harmony concepts are concealed in it.By studying Marx's original works which about the theory of alienation, the paper tries to combine it with China's great practice of building a harmonious society, thus to get deeper understanding of Marx's harmony concepts as well as to better conduct China's great practice of building a harmonious society.The paper consists of five parts: the exordium introduces the reasons why to select this subject, summarizing the researches related in the alienation of labor problem from home and abroad, and also, telling the researching thought, the meanings and methods of doing it.Chapter one explains the background and origin of Marx's theory of alienation of labor, and sketches the main content of it.Based on Marx's theory, chapter two analyzes the disharmony of capitalist societies, and points out that the alienation signifies the four-disharmony: the disharmony between people and the nature, between the body and the soul of people, as well as the disharmony among people, and also the disharmony between people and the society. Besides, the section adds that communism without alienation is just the ideal harmonious society which Marx peruses. Chapter three describes the diversified disharmonies during the process of China's building a harmonious society, clarifying the reason why alienation still exists in today's China, and demonstrates the necessity of building a harmonious society. By analyzing the goals of building a harmonious society at all times and in all lands,Chapter four points out the features of China's building a harmonious society. Aiming at eliminating the alienation in China, five types of measures are brought forward under the light of Marx's alienation theory, which, provide direction for China's building a harmonious society.The end sums up the whole paper, and argues that the process of China's building a harmonious society should under the direction of Marx's philosophy. Only by unify the theoretical research and real life, can we have access to a wonderful harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx's alienation, alienated labor, harmonious society
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