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Researches On CAF Auto Parts Suppliers' Ongoing Performance Evaluation System

Posted on:2006-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360155472831Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The company pays more attention on supplier chain management with the tendency of globalization, as one of the key content of supplier chain management, the study for strategy partner relationship is deeper and was used in the company operation. It is the key item for OEM to establish long term partnership strategy with their suppliers. CAF supplier performance evaluation system Q1 can not only help supplier to achieve good performance and keep continuous improvement, but also increases CAF product competitive. This dissertation analyzed the supplier scoring thresholds based on the partnership strategy. This dissertation analyzed supplier chain and supplier chain management principle in detail. Based on the CAF specific situation, it studies automotive supplier chain management characteristic and key factor, establishing partnership strategy. After detailed analyzed CAF supplier chain basic management and some key systems, deeper analyze CAF supplier performance evaluation system that is Q1, especially 5 key scoring thresholds: capable system, ongoing performance, site action, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement. The dissertation use an actual case to analyze how supplier to achieve Q1 finally.
Keywords/Search Tags:supply chain management, supplier, performance assessment, strategy partner
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