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Study On The Evolutionary And Adjustable Strategies Of Japanese Industrial Structure

Posted on:2006-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360155954262Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In a sense, the economic development of a country results from the adjustment and evolution of its industrial structure. Without the adjustment of industrial structure, there will be no economic development. The evolutionary discipline of the industrial structure can provide the theoretic grounds for the formulation of policies of economic and industrial development. One of the core content of the adjustment of economic structure is the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and the improvement of industrial competitive power, and the optimization of industrial structure is the essential requirement of modern economic development. The developing experiences of industrialized countries show that the evolutionary processes of industrial structure of different countries have the obvious features of phase and consistency, which can make the late-developing countries develop economy and establish the long-term industrial development strategies suitable to the reality of their own countries according to their own economic development levels and in combination of the evolutionary situations of their own industrial structures, thus promoting the continuous shift to the higher direction of the industrial structures of their own countries. After the end of World War II, Japan, which has become the second greatest power with the rapid economic growth in a short period of time, has created the wonder of economic development in the world economy after World War II. Japan's economic development situation has a great impact on the world economy and has also an important and even decisive impact on the economic development of East Asian countries and areas. Japan, as the only Asian developed country, lies in the advantageous position of transferring technologies to the East Asian countries and areas. Japan, as the leading force of two previous industrial transfers, has played an important role in the economic development of Asian countries. Japan has the similar cultural background and market conditions to China. At present, the economic development situation of China has many similarities to that of Japan in the late 1980s. It is of illuminative significance for the choice of economic development mode of China as the greatest late-developing country in Asia to use the economic development mode of Japan for reference. Japan's economic development is closely connected to the evolution of adjustment of its industrial structure. In a sense, the history of Japan's economic development has been the one of continuous great changes and upgrading of its industrial structure since World War II. In the process of the evolution of the industrial structure, the government realizes the adjustment of the industrial structure mainly through establishing the strategies of economic development and industrial policies. According to the evolutionary discipline of industrial structure and in combination of the real situation of resources, Japan determines the leading industries, gives a play to the advantages of various production elements and establishes the relevant supporting policies, thus promoting the industrial structure to the higher evolution and the rapid development of Japan's economy. It is of pragmatic values for determining the strategies of adjustment of the industrial structure of China and even the traditional industrial base of northeast China to analyze the features and strategies of adjustment of the rationalization, the heavy chemicalindustrialization and high processing as well as technological denseness of Japan's industrial structure, and sum up the experiences of industrial development in the different phases of Japan's economic development and the basic evolutionary discipline of industrial structure by making use of the relevant theories of industrial structure and elements of industrial economics. This paper is divided into four parts. Part 1 is about the evolutionary discipline and elements of the industrial structure, dealing with the relations between the conditions of elements and the industrial structure, the evolutionary discipline of the industrial structure, and the principles of adjustment of the industrial structure, which provides the basic theoretic requisites for the evolutionary features and the strategies of adjustment of Japan's industrial structure. Part 2 is the important one of the paper, dealing with the evolutionary features and the strategies of adjustment of Japanese industrial structure in the two phases before and after World War II. The industrial policies of Japan before World War II are represented in the profound military characteristics, with the development of industrial structure deformed. Japan realized the rapid economic development, depending on the strong national support and using force to seize the resources, capital and market of foreign countries before World War II. Japan's economic development after World War II can be divided into four phases. In the first phase, the restriction of resources is got rid of, with the heavy chemical industrial system successfully established, which promotes the high-speed economic growth. The leading industries such as automobiles and home electric appliances are defined and developed, which realizes the heavy chemical industry, with the slant development mode,industrial rationalization and invigorating polices as the industrial policies. In the second phase, the industrial structure is adjusted and promoted from the structure of heavy chemical industrialization to knowledge intensity, with the stable economic growth kept. The focus of the industrial structure is transferred from the industries of consuming a large amount of energy and resources to the ones of saving energy and resources, with the adjustable policies such as resolving some problems of "price of growth"and "non-economic external part", etc. adopted. In the third phase, the adjustment of industrial structure is delayed and brings about errors, with the economy running into serious depression. The Japanese government adopts the strategies of stimulating the domestic demand and enlarging the domestic demand of the leading industries, but the Japanese economy gets into the long-term depression due to the collapse of the bubble economy, which makes the higher process of development of the whole industrial structure greatly delayed. In the fourth phase, the industrial structure is adjusted and transferred to the industries of high additional values, with the economy improved. Japan is transferred to aim at "the big power of life", focusing on the industries of sustainable development such as technological innovation and information industry, etc.. Part 3 sums up the experiences and significance of the evolutionary and adjustable strategies of Japan's industrial structure. Japan's industrial structure has gone through the evolutionary process of industrial rationalization, heavy chemical industrialization and high processing as well as technological denseness, depending on the dual roles of the government and market to realize the high-speed development of Japanese economy. In the analysis ofthe experiences and significance of the evolutionary and adjustable strategies of Japan's industrial structure, the following implications can be concluded. The first is that the late-developing countries should give a full play to the comparative advantages of resources and promote the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structures by application of the strategies of comparative advantages. The correct determination of the position of the leading industries is the key of adjustment of industrial structure. It is of great significance to promote the upgrading and transfer of the whole industrial structure and improve the structure of resources by choosing and guiding the leading industries to develop. The third is that the promotion of technological innovation should be attached great importance. The new and high-tech industries are the decisive force of optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, which can greatly reduce the process of industrialization. The developing experiences of Japan show that the evolutionary processes of industrial structures of different countries have the obvious features of phase and consistency. The late-developing county can develop its economy by establishing the long-term industrial development strategies applicable to its own reality according to its own level of development and in combination of the evolutionary discipline of industrial structure, thus promoting the transfer of the industrial structure of its own county to the higher direction. In Part 4, the rationalization of the industrial structure of China and northeast China is promoted by reference to the experiences of Japan. The evolution of industrial structure and the change of comparative advantages of China are summarized, with the strategies and suggestions of invigorating China and the traditional industrial base of northeast China, adjusting the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Evolutionary
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