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Studies On The Practical Results Of The Method In Ideological And Political Education

Posted on:2005-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360182967852Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The paper focuses on the actual effectiveness of ideology and political education method, analyzes and studies the content of four aspects on actual effectiveness of ideology and political education method: i.e. scientificness of theory, feasibility of practice, facileness of operation and valueness of result. It analyzes the differences and relation of actual effectiveness of ideology and political education method and actual effectiveness of ideology and political work, it analyzes relations of actual effectiveness with eraness, orientationness, levelness and scientificness, distinguishes the related concepts of actual effectiveness with usefulness, valid timeness and efficiency and benefits. On the bases of reviewing of "conformity of knowledge and behavior" standard, " guard against all temptations when alone and exercises self-denial" standard, "culture internally the practice of saint and outwardly implement policy of benevolence" standard of ancient China and " divinity standard" and "humanity standard" of western culture, put forward four standards of actual effectiveness of ideology and political education method: "truth" "kindness" "feasibility" and "effectiveness", i.e. scientificness standard of theory, valueness standard of results, feasibility standard of practice and facileness standard of operation. The analysis is developed respectively on the inner structure factor functional angle of the ideology and political education method and structure angle of adapting to outer environment to explore the factors that affects actual effectiveness method and functional rules. In the aspect of inner structure angle, three methods on dividing ideology and political education method structure is put forwarded: position linking structure, position level structure and position functional structure, analyzes and points out main line thinking through the three classification methods. It brings forward that the position functional structure of ideology and political education method consists of knowledge factor, instrument factor, process factor and technique structure, refers four evaluation standards and analyzes from the static structure, relation structure and dynamic structure of method factors the actual effectiveness of ideology and political education method. In the aspect of outer structure angle, it analyzes the effect of entity factors such as ideology and political education main body, object, aim, content on the method actual effectiveness; and analyzes the effect of outer environmental factors of politic, economic, cultural, feeling and evaluation factors on the method actualeffectiveness. It puts forward the methods and ideas to solve the actual effectiveness problems of ideology and political education method. From the angle of enhancing intellect actual effectiveness of ideology and political education method, it shall pay attention to the supporting of theoretical research and experience summary of the method research content, conformity of main body focus and object focus in practical operation method, combination of qualitative study and quantitative study in the research method means, and taking account of aim, way and efficiency in method and effect evaluation; from the angle of implementing actual effectiveness of enhancing ideology and political education method, pay attention to the unity of valueness and flexibility of form on the educational aim predicative method, the unity of adaptability of educational content stipulation method and advanceness of requirement, the combination of the interaction on educational process implementation method and feedback inspirit, combination of eraness of educational means selection method and concordance of circumstances, take consideration of both levelness of educational aim teaching method and differentiation of individual: from the angle of enhancing ideology and political education method outer adaptation actual effectiveness, pay attention to the strengthening of stable political environment, establishing fine economic environment, perfecting and developing cultural environment , protecting natural ecological environment, maintaining harmonious educational environment to ensure the exertion of actual effectiveness of ideology and political education method.
Keywords/Search Tags:ideology and political education method, actual effectiveness, structure, countermeasure
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