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The Firo And The Differences Among The State-Owned Architectural Enterprise Staff

Posted on:2007-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
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Human relations in state-owned architectural enterprises is a hot topic in China. Management scientists and psychologist have done plenty of researches on this subject. The purpose of this paper is to explore the firo and the differences among the state-owned architectural enterprises staff on the basis of a questionnaire survey. The paper consists of three parts.The first part is about the research on the transactional principle orientation of the staff. This topic can be proved from four layers: whether the staff considers human relations as the most important factor in the way of life; whether human relations decides their identity; whether they consider human relations as a kind of resource; whether they consider human relations as the goal of their life. The finding is that human relations has been considered as the decisive essence and meaning of life, what's more, those workers in different positions have respectively differences on the views on human relations deciding personal development and self-identification.The second part is about the transactional cognition orientation of the staff. This topic can be proved from two layers: whether the staffs classify their relations; whether the staff grade their relations. The finding is that these two assumptions are true; what's more, those workers in different positions have respectively differences on the views on the cognition to classification and circle awareness.The last part is about the transactional behavior orientation. The topic can be proved from four layers: whether the staff takes actions on behalf of harmonious relations; whether they take actions to balance it; whether they make use of and get benefit from it; whether they take actions for getting special relationship. The finding is that the staff takes different actions after different relations; what's more, there are differences between the staff and workers in different positional levels in most respects of this layer.Besides aforementioned contents, the connection between nepotism and firo in state-owned architectural enterprises is also studied. The assumption and the finding are consistentMeanwhile, the features of the human relations in state-owned architectural enterprises are induced according to the data: the importance of genetic relationship get weaker, and staff becomes more independent to their unit; communication in the same...
Keywords/Search Tags:firo, human relations, transactional principle orientation, transactional cognitive orientation, transactional behavior orientation
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