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Thinking On The Prosecutor Management System Of China

Posted on:2006-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The prosecutor management system is an important part of prosecutorial system, it plays a very important role in ensuring prosecutors to exercise prosecutorial power legally and independently, performing prosecutor's functional actions sufficiently, normalizing prosecutor's law enforcement, and assuring prosecutor to exercise prosecutorial power impartially and uprightly. The thesis briefly introduces the origin and development of the prosecutor management system, and narrates the basic content of the prosecutor management system of foreign countries. Accordingly, the thesis mainly analyses current prosecutor management system of our nation and its frauds, and also conducts a study on how to perfect current prosecutor management system of our nation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management system, Prosecutor management, Prosecutorial power, System perfection
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