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Economic Reform On Rural Areas Lead By Mao Zedong

Posted on:2007-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y JinFull Text:PDF
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With the high development of the ancient civilization in agriculture, China's small-scale peasant economy came into existence, yet it has long been bogged down in a "potato" destiny, but under the suppress of traditional feudal system. How to assist peasants to go through the historic predicament became a focus both in governing and engaging in research the Chinese elites confronted with in any era.Mao Zedong, born in a peasant family, devoted his whole life to the great cause of saving his country and his people. Mao showed solicitude for the destiny of peasants and the development of the rural economy, which exhausted all his energies. In his great cause, Mao combined Marxism-leninism with the Chinese culture, resolved to change the unreasonable feudal economic system in rural areas, and endeavored to explore a way for peasants, with which they could shake off the bewilderment, in which everyone, man and woman, would be prosperous and equal. Mao, basing himself on reality, divided China's economic reform in rural areas into two stages, that is, "Land Reform" and "Collectivization".In the first stage, what Mao adopted to reform the feudal rural economy is to immerse himself into rural areas, mobilize the broad masses, and destroy relations of feudal production in rural areas. Through long hard work and eventually, the feudal land ownership, which lasted for centuries, was thoroughly wiped out and was taken the place by the new democratic rural production relationship, which took the peasantry as a subject. Hence there emerged rural production relations of a new democracy instead. Meanwhile, Mao got a generous support from the peasants, which helped him win the final victory of the protracted revolutionary war and seize the political power.Immediately, Mao made a decision to take the road of collectivization, which push forward his economic reform in rural areas to the second stage. The question of how to get a collect perception of the small-scale peasant economy, and how to guide and remold the small producers led China's economic reform in rural areas to a new crossroad. The style of seeking truth from facts advocated by Mao was guadually...
Keywords/Search Tags:rural economic, reform, equalitarianism, land reform, collectivization
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