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Four Perspectives About The Concept Of Anarchy

Posted on:2008-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C HuaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360215950583Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
International relations are with the characteristic of sociality. If international relations are seen from the social ontological perspective, the anarchy shall be defined explicitly at first. The theme of this thesis is to realize the diversity of the anarchy and richen the comprehension of anarchy through building a four-dimensional model, which is from substance to speech.In the multi-perspectives of the model , the anarchy is the material constructed by the speech,is the identity of discourse and the sign of language which form in the process of sorts of material resisting each other,is the distorted idea of value and power constructed by historical reflex and social construction, is the integration of material and discourse ,and also is the process constructed by many factors interacting simultaneously. The anarchy exists in the fence of material as well as in the value system. The anarchy doesn't only represent speech, but also is the symbol of social evolution. In a word, anarchy is the historical existence of the human being, is the existence of the social process, and also is the diversity of the society.Anarchy is the fundamental reality of international relations as well as the first premise of the research of international relations, therefore, to richen its definition could trigger more profound reflection and provide the resource of criticism to the research on the ontology and methodology of international relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anarchy, Perspectives, International Society
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