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Discussion On The Power Of Disposition And Supervision Of The Subject Of Administrative Enforcement Of Law

Posted on:2009-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360248452506Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's administrative system reform is carried out in full swing,the concept of service-oriented China's current administrative system is the choice of values,it will affect people on the subject of administrative law enforcement and the legitimacy of reasonable judgement.This paper is the main administrative law enforcement perspective,in clarifying the main concept of administrative law enforcement on the basis of the allocation of its power,in the administrative law enforcement,the main power configuration the traditional model of the elaborate At the same time,the enforcement of law and the main subject of administrative law enforcement community the legal status of the analysis and to the diversification of the main administrative law enforcement control.The first chapter is an overview of the main administrative law enforcement. Only the main administrative and law enforcement have a clearer understanding of its power can be configured and supervision of an in-depth analysis.The author is given the definition of the main administrative law enforcement,and made by the administrative law enforcement is the main feature.As the comprehensive reform of law enforcement is the cross-enforcement authority,long an important measure for law enforcement,is the allocation of administrative law enforcement within the organization when the organization innovation.The author from its legal meaning, based on,the main qualification confirmation and the distinction between law enforcement and the joint area were discussed.Chapterâ…¡of the power of administrative law enforcement,the main configuration.Through the allocation of administrative enforcement powers of the main principle,the analysis of the administrative law enforcement combing the traditional model of the main configuration,that is,the law enforcement power in the government and its departments in the main configuration and the authorization of the configuration of the administrative law enforcement and make the main power configuration of the new model-the main administrative enforcement of law and the main administrative law enforcement community.The third chapter on the subject of administrative law enforcement community new.Since the development of modern public administration,public administration contingent of the community is no longer the single meal,with the executive power of the continuous deepening of the community,non-governmental organizations gradually begin to exercise a lot of administrative functions,as a new main administrative and law enforcement.The background of its author,the main law enforcement status are discussed in detail,and with the laws and regulations authorized by the law enforcement subjects were compared.Chapter forth on the subject of administrative law enforcement supervision.First proposed in this chapter of the main administrative law enforcement to control the value of,followed by the establishment of a wide range of administrative law enforcement supervision system,the main framework.
Keywords/Search Tags:The main law enforcement, non-governmental organizations, the main qualifications, the separation of powers, oversight
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