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An Investigation And Study Of Current Situation Of New Rural Construction On Ecological Settlements In The Ethnic Residential Area

Posted on:2009-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee proposed to build new socialist rural, and regarded it as a historical task in the process of Chinese mordernization. The proposal of building new socialist rural is the complete train of thought which is formed a set of solutions for"three dimensional rural issues"during the long time our country ceaselessly tried to find, and is a new opportunity for advancing the rural areas. In this good situation, ecological settlements in the ethnic residential area how to find the accurate developing opportunity in the process of new rural construction, then to promote the development of economic and society in the ethnic residential area is a important topic which is studied and considered in these areas. Meanwhile, the process of ecological immigrating must cause tremendous social changes. Moreover, in Minghua ethnic residential area, as specific chrateristics of the settlement group resulted in more uncontrolled factors emerging in the local social changes. Therefore, at the time of raising new socialist rural construction, giving great efforts to carry forward new countryside building on ecological settlements in the ethnic residential area, trying to find out a proper development way for ecological settlements, which concerned us deeply.The paper discusses from the sociologistic perspective, focusing the investegation on the five aims of new rural construction such as"develop production, comfortable living standards, renowned country morrals, clen and tidy appearance, democratic goverment". Through the experiment, the current situation of local new rural construction can be observed, the detailed result carried out and the existing problems in the process of implementing can also be observed, the author want to give the related measures and suggestions fot how to build new rural in the ethnic residential area. We hope the experimental information the related analysis in the paper will provide a basis for the authority drawing up policy guidelines. Meanwhile, it also gives a reference for the other scholars to research more.
Keywords/Search Tags:ethnic residential area, new countryside building, sociologistic perspective, the investigation and study of current situation
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