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On The Formation And Trait Of Chinese Nationalism In The Period Of "the May Fourth"

Posted on:2008-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272467233Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a developing country, China had suffered imperialist oppression and exploitation in history, but now China is in the important period of building a well-off society. Meanwhile, as a big country, China's rapid economic development will have a huge impact in the world. Therefore, whether in theory or in the practical level, Study of the formation and development of modern Chinese nationalism and its influence on social development has become the hot issue concerned by academic circles in recent years. We should take an objective and fair attitude on nationalism and seriously study it from theory and historical perspectives.This paper mainly introduces the nationalism of the typical people such as Sun Yat-sen, LiangQichao, ChenDuxiu, HuShi, LiDazhao who have made much contribution to China during the period of"The May Fourth", summarizing five traits of Chinese nationalism in ten years before and after 1919:1.the unity of the opposition to imperialism and feudalism; 2.cultural nationalism expansion and modernity; 3.the special form of Chinese nationalism is criticizing one; 4.the transcending form of Chinese nationalism is super-nationalism; 5.Chinese nationalists appeal to different ways, but all the target is to make our country independent and prosperous and powerful. I hope the paper can help people to get an objective and profound idea of the ideological history of the period of"The May Fourth", and think truly of the position and effect of nationalism in China's ideological history, from which people can absorb essence, taking a more rational attitude on China, providing related theories consulted and real basis for building a powerful modern country.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Period Of"The May Fourth", Nationalism, Chinese Nationalism
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