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A Study On Free Dissemination And Social Order Of "Human Flesh Search"

Posted on:2011-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the "Chen Ziyao Event" in 2001, the Human Flesh Search has developed nearly ten years in China. In this decade, our whole society has paid a lot of attention to the Human Flesh Search while also controversies, this continues to evolve into two questions:Should the Human Flesh Search be prohibited by law? The Human Flesh Search needs which kind of rules to regulate it? Many scholars answered these two questions, but their answers come from self-cognitions rather than theoretical analysis.It is necessary to introduce Hayek's theory of spontaneous order to discuss this question thoroughly. This paper will start with Hayek's spontaneous order, using core concepts in this theory such as "ignorance","limited rationality","evolutionary rationalism","spontaneous","freedom under the rule of law" to analyze the causes,development process,cognitive model,features,shortcomings and solutions of the Human Flesh Search. This will help us to answer the two questions mentioned above and make a reasonable and tentative discuss.The analysis shows that the Human Flesh Search meets the content of Hayek's theory of spontaneous order; it is a typical spontaneous order, so we could not prohibit the Human Flesh Search by law, but we must also recognize that it still has many shortcomings. Because it is a spontaneous order, we should use the rule of law to regulate it. So we can conclude that we should use our ability to develop and control the Human Flesh Search to make it develop better and better.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human Flesh Search, Hayek, spontaneous order, freedom, rules, the rule of law
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