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Research On The Spontaneous Order Theory Of Hayek

Posted on:2019-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330545466021Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 20 th century,Friedrich Auguste von Hayek was a master of Western liberalism.In his life,he studied a wide range of fields,including economics,politics,philosophy,sociology,psychology,anthropology,and so on.And the theory of spontaneous order is the core of his huge ideological system.Hayek’s theory of spontaneous order was studied and explored on the basis of inheriting the philosophy of the Spanish School of Economics and developing the Scottish Enlightenment and the Austrian School of Economics.Hayek inherited the individualistic methodology of the Austrian school of economics.He believed that knowledge existed in different individuals and that the knowledge held by individuals was a small part of society as a whole.There is no all-knowing and omnipotent person.From his view of ignorant knowledge,we can draw the conclusion that human rationality is limited.Hayek is strongly opposed to rational constructivism and against all the construction of social order.He argued that the social order should be the spontaneous evolution of human behavior,and be governed by the rules in the process of evolution.Finally,its theoretical evolution extended to the spontaneous order of human cooperation.Through free cooperation in the field,the evolution of order to a deeper level.Hayek distinguishes between the structure of action and the system of rules in the spontaneous order,and discusses the importance of the two.Hayek thinks that the spontaneous order is not only generated with the interactive adjustment process between the various elements.At the same time,it is emphasized that the behavior of these elements should be guided by certain general rules.If we ignore the former,we will fall into constructivism and ignore the latter,and the social order will become a state of laissez-faire disorder.Hayek thinks that the spontaneous order is different from the rules to be followed by the organization,and the internal rule is the important factor to promote the construction of the spontaneous order in the rule system.Hayek’s theory of spontaneous order takes the operation of the market economic system as an example.We see the spontaneous power,but the theory in reality also shows some limitations,exaggerated the role of the market,ignoring the market system in practice will be marketfailure,ignoring the problem of social system changes and evolution of spontaneous order theory to explain the social system changes way,starting from this point of view,we should seriously think about the relationship between spontaneity and consciousness.Based on Hayek’s social theory of spontaneous order,the enlightenment to China’s public policy is mainly reflected in his dual view of law and legislation,and the resulting reflection on democratic thought,in which the individual bears certain responsibilities.The behavior of the government under the rule of law should be limited within certain limits of authority.
Keywords/Search Tags:spontaneous, order rational, rules, freedom
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