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Investigation On Class Routine Education In Kindergartens

Posted on:2012-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330335480625Subject:Pre-primary Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The kindergarten class routine means system arrangement of everyday life in the kindergarten, and the specific behavior norm which young children must observe in the various activities. The kindergarten class routine not only includes scientific livelihood routine, but also the basic social behavior rules in the communication and practice activities, it is important for young children's life development. Besides, routine is good for setting up living order and keeping regular education order, and it is security for teachers to carry out activities.In recent years, the kindergarten class routine education arouses many scholars'thinking. High control and high oppression, too much requirement and the single education style become the focus of the debate.Therefore, the study wants to reveal the current situation of the kindergarten routine education in one kindergarten case, by the way of theory analysis and hands-on investigation, and the analytic method of qualitative and quantized. Getting the quantized conclusion below:1,The content of the kindergarten routine education focuses on the livelihood routine and discipline, little relates to the study|, interpersonal interaction.2,The primary present way of the kindergarten routine education is teachers'oral language, little involve to body actions, music and pictures. Besides, the total frequency of routine education and oral language increases with the age group.3,Of the practice methods of class routine, the teachers primarily use instructions and behaviorism methods, not often use constructivism methods. Teachers pay much attention to behavior education but no consciousness cultivation. 4,Of the language instruction methods, the teachers use direct order most, next is urge children, explaining rules is least.5,Of the behaviorism methods, teachers use criticism, scolding, heckling and threat most, praise, humbugging, pause and depriving rights are less.6,Of the constructivism methods, teachers use argument, questing most, next is demonstration, encouragement,"I"information and association are least.In addition, the investigator combines the specific case of the observation; illustrate respectively the existent problems of the kindergarten class routine: young children follow the rules by teachers'authority and control, teachers pay much attention to manage class but no education, some routine content is irrational, and routine education methods are single. Besides, the investigator also analyses the reasons of these problems and the influence to the young children.In the end, to combine the good teachers'behavior observation and interview, and the rules education of constructivism theory, the author sums up the ways and strategies of the kindergarten routine education's practice, include setting up the correct routine education ideas, and to improve young children's rule consciousness and shape young children's good behavior norm by cognition, emotion and behavior ways, providing the kindergarten teachers practical suggestion.
Keywords/Search Tags:kindergarten, routine education, routine education method
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