Problems representation is problem solving the primary link, improving student's mathematics characterization ability is to improve students ability to solve problems of powerful one way. And characterization problem has now become the study of human cognitive process is one of the central subject. Now, domestic to mathematical representation research mainly focus on "problem representation". But for studying in solving concrete math problems how to apply different characterization ways, for all sorts of characterization ways masters, and for all sorts of characterization ways transformation between research is less. Based on the synthesis of the current domestic and foreign to the main mathematical representation classification and classroom a first-year student's actual situation, to classroom first-year students mathematical problem solving in three ways:the character representation, characterization, graphic symbols characterization characterization for research.This research, main concern to the following problems。First, the same grade students in their mathematics problems representation of otherness; The same grade math scores of different students on the same problem representation difference。Second, through the test of our country, one of the primary students classroom problem representation ability analysis evaluation。third, to improve math problem solving ability cultivation put forward a constructive suggestion.This study through testing, interviews and other forms, the thorough investigation and analysis. Research shows that:1. The students'problem representation ability needs to improve. Students will not mathematics problems, not the original equivalent conversion issues and make appropriate characterization, and characterization of changeover ability is poor.2. Math grades and mathematical representation of grade relationship between them is very strong, have close ties. Whether math scores for characterizing the influence of characterization, or horizontal level to mathematics result influence, excellent group, the medium group and difficult group between the three groups of opposite significantly.3. Students in problem solving process is used to use symbolic representation to solve problems, construct and flexible use of appropriate characterization of problem solving ability is poor. And their students' different forms of characterization ability development is not balanced. Students generally think symbols characterization form is easier to understand, they think the hardest words characterizing topic, followed by image representation.According to new classroom in mathematical problem solving characterization ability of the shortages, this paper makes a preliminary analysis of the causes, and put forward some targeted teaching advice. |