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On Optimizing Of The Senior Middle School's Chemical Curriculum Structure

Posted on:2001-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
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Curriculum is a reflection of epoch spirits. Due to the rapid development of science,technology and the increasing competition among countries, the basic education is facing a strong challenge. The only way out is to reform. As the reformation of the basic education goes further, more and more attention has been paid to the reformation of the curriculum structure which is considered as the core of education reformation., and knowledge becomes boundless balloon. This makes a contradiction between the boundless expansion of the knowledge and the limited knowledge the students learn in the school. Therefore, we must reconsider our basic education and find way of reformation in order to improve the quality of education.Curriculum structure decides the curriculum function, and its reformayion should be concentrated on a perfect structure of the curriculum. Through the historical observation of the curriculum reformation in the senior middle school both at home and abroad, and according to the characteristic and the developing tendency of the school with its "double tasks", some suggestions are made in this essay on how to optimize the chemical curriculum structure in the senior middle school which can be helpful to the students' learning and their life quality.Failing the common problems in the chemical curriculum in the senior middle school, I suggest to optimize the structure of the chemical curriculum, which include its form and substance. We should change the tradition that major subjects surpass the others. The major one should have a contact with the choosing one so as to make the curriculum structure both elastic and multiple. As for the substance structure, the main point is that the contents of the chemical curriculum must be reformed. The framework should be like this: the first is to attach great importance to the chemical theory, especially the theory of its essence structure. The second is to reduce the number of elements and simplify the knowledge of chemical combination and its calculation. What ,the students learn in school should have a contact with the reality and social life. The third is to have more experiment in the chemical curriculum in order to improve the students, logical ability. Then they can analysis and handle the problems themselves. Through this new structure, students become creative...
Keywords/Search Tags:chemistry, Curriculum structure, Curriculum reformation
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