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Cause Analysis And Countermeasure Thinking On The Popularity Of High School

Posted on:2003-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M R WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360062950350Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, there appears a kind of phenomenon in most areas in China-the increasing number in High school, we can also say high school now becomes very "hot". High school education, which plays an important part in the higher-stage education, is a link between compulsory education and higher education. It is one of the key links in education to handle well the phenomenon now and the future, especially under the conditions of the nine-year compulsory education all over the country and the enlarged enrolment of colleges and universities, if we can solve the phenomenon wonderfully, it will greatly benefit the policy of revitalizing the country through science and education. High school education is the secondary education based on the nine -year compulsory education. Its basic task is, on the base of the nine-year compulsory education, to further improve the students' morality, science and knowledge, physical and psychological quality and working skills; to develop the students' personality and speciality; and also to train their creativity, their aleility to practice, study and adapt, so that it can provide the colleges and universities with excellent freshmen and also supply well-qualified graduates. The cause of the increase of high school is not simple. It has its root in both history and reality .The decrease of the high school the 1 980s, the extension in colleges and universities in late 199 Os, the econniic benefits in education to individuals, the needs to self-realization, the rise and fall of the school-agers and the increase of the graduates from the junior middle schools, etc, are all the cause of this phenomenon. In a word, the increase of the high schools is affected in many ways. To solve this problem is not an easy matter. It must be settled in an active efferent way in accordance with the concrete situations of China. The main measures include: exploit the polentialities of beeping present high schools; set up some more common high schools; finish separating junior middle schools from high schools, and enlarge the percentage of enrollment; stabilize the present numbers of practical the pressure of them; realize the multiplicity of common high schools; Gradually abolish complex high schools, and gather, man power, finances to develop common high schools.
Keywords/Search Tags:The popularity of high school, Cause analysis, Countermeasure thinking
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