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Tactics Of Solving Problems In Senior Mathematics And Teaching Of Tactical Knowledge

Posted on:2003-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360065456592Subject:Subject Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The most important assignment of Mathematical teaching is to teach the students how to solve mathematical problems and make them think in mathematical way. The purpose of learning mathematics is solving problems. It is very significant for students to learn the way of solving maths in consolidating knowledge, cultivating quality and developing ability. Though there are many researches on solving mathematical problems, most of them are concentrated on the concrete quantity of solving problems. While the central idea of the thesis is to discuss the teaching of quality of solving mathematical problems and tactical knowledge from theory to practice deeply.The modern idea of knowledge divided the knowledge into three parts: stating knowledge, programmatic knowledge, tactical knowledge. The study of modern psychology indicates that the students grasp different kinds of knowledge in different way. Adopting focal teaching according to the peculiarities of different kinds of knowledge is an important way to promoting students to grasp knowledge effectively. The concrete teaching measure of promoting students to grasp tactics of solving problems is as follows: 1. Only teaching a few tactics each time. 2. Teaching the tactic knowledge to the students, meanwhile teaching them rethinking. 3. Teaching the tactic knowledge to the students, meanwhile teaching them rethinking. 4. Arousing and preserving the students' motives of study. 5. Teaching tactics hi concrete surroundings. 6. Teaching it for a long time.Through countless success and failure in the practice of solving the problem, the human comprehends many universal ways to solve the mathematical problems progressively. This thesis will introduce six usual tactics with examples which are often used to solve the mathematical problems. They are distinction of pattern,changing unfamiliar into familiar, analyzing difference, regressive thought, transform of movement, combination of figures and forms. Each tactics is based on some definite precondition, while all of them have a common ground that we should change the problem simple, easy, familiar and change the unusual problem usual.The teaching practices has proved that if the teacher instruct and educate the students to use the tactics to solve the problem consciously, it can be helpful to improve the students' maths results.
Keywords/Search Tags:senior mathematics, tactics of solving problems, tactical knowledge, teaching
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