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A Study On The Teaching Strategies For Students' Autonomous Learning

Posted on:2003-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P YaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The current curriculum reform in elementary and secondary education calls for autonomous learning, which is also fitting in with the demand of the time. Therefore, to develop students' ability to learn actively rather than passively has been the focal point of teaching practice today.On the basis of careful investigation and a teaching experiment, this thesis makes a study on how to develop students' autonomous learning and to improve their academic results. Through investigation, it's obvious that passive learning is still dominant in senior school students. With the experience of biology teaching for years, the thesis provides feasible strategies to promote students' autonomous learning on the basis of a careful study on theories and practice of autonomous learning home and abroad. The experiment clearly shows that it's effective to promote students' autonomous learning and improve their bio-science competence developing their learning strategies and optimizing the learning style in class.
Keywords/Search Tags:autonomous learning, teaching strategies, biology teaching
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