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The Exploration Of The Geographical Instruction Mode In The Digital Earth Technology Environment

Posted on:2004-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360095455287Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Because of the shortcoming of the traditional geographical instruction, people explore more efficient, informative, international, comprehensive and individual mode of geographical instruction mode. When the digital earth advanced, it provided an unprecedented opportunity for the reform of the geographical instruction. Digital earth is digital recognition on earth or its relevant phenomenon. It is based on the internet, and is relied on the space-date, featuring on virtual reality, which has three-dimension sphere and multirecognition browse and opening system to the public. The application of digital earth technology can change the traditional geographical instruction in content, form, study method and the teachers.Since the 1990s, constructivism progress step by step and is accepted by more and more people, which believes: knowledge is not acquired by the teachers instruction, but by the students positively construct in the situation with cooperation and discussion and the necessary material. The study theory and instruction theory of constructivism have become the basis system design and the innovative traditional instruction. The digital earth is applied into the geographical instruction can embody constructivism feature of educational theory to the large extent, and it provide utilizing digital earth etc information technology to reform education strategy.I explore instruction mode in the digital earth environment by the basis of constructivism study theory: cooperation study mode and opening-self study mode. The cooperation study mode emphasize students cooperation and conversation, making students understand cooperation. The opening-selfstudy mode emphasize students body research spirit in study, in the basis of self-study, innovation, creating condition for qualification education. Although the two sorts of modes have difference in the aim, they both emphasize utilizing situation, cooperation, conversation and resource fully outputting students initiation and innovation, utmost arriving at the aim of efficient construction knowledge. In course of classroom instruct utilizing digital earth and internet environment, making integrate all sorts of resource students self-acquired information to irritate interesting of study, cultivating students digital study and information collecting, processing, disposing, analyzing capability. Through opening resource, background material, task condition, it is in favour of students forming individual study and becoming an independent scholar. It embody the theory "the center of students. "The cooperative study mode and the opening-self study mode are an attempt and exploration combination between digital earth and geographical instruction, embodying the modern instructional concept "instruction is network-course information exchange between teachers and students. " They are in favour of the teachers action and students action, according with knowledge economy and qualification education, then there are important sense both in theory and practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:digital earth, instruction mode, constructivism, informational technology
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