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Experience And Observation Accumulation Inquiry

Posted on:2004-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F PengFull Text:PDF
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As the new course reforms spread completely open, the revolution of study method footing somewhere in the students becomes the successful key link of the course refomes. Senior middle school Chinese education is below the double pressure of triditional education thoughtas well as college entrance examination reality, and multiple objective can not be correctly treated in the senior middle school philology habit refomed in many Chinese education, so by way of philology study,the senior middle school students must not only grasp Chinese knowledge and gain the language competence, butalso must form philology habit character, and will promote the presonality culture. In order to achive this purpose, it should be multiple-lined that senior middle school philology is practised."Multiple-Line Study" of the senior middle school Chinese means that senior middle school Chinese philology habit contanins three kinds of study methods-"Accumulation Study", "Experience and Observe Study" and "Inquiry Study", with the first place to "Experience and Observe Study", and "Accumulation Study" "Inquiry Study" serve as to assist the new learning habit method. "Accumulation Study" chiefly indicates the full accumulation of language material in stronger knowledge and higher use value, by way of the good study habit of the students like making notes and writing daries. So-called senior middle school Chinese "Experience and Observe Study" is a study method with which the students can initiatively construct and express new cognitions with observations and experience to the language material. Senior middle school Chinese "Inquiry Study" is not exploring or studies in the genuine meaning,however,it is also a study method with which,according to theteachers ' reference,the students cand selfheld the selection of the scientific research special subjects,concerned language, literature and civilization. Iniatively exploring the language liteature phenomena, discovering its inherent contact and experiencing its beauty appreciation, the students learn to collect,sort out, analyse and juge a large number of information so as to strengthen thinking deeply power and creative power, while raising the abilities in listening,speaking,reading, writing and observing the language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Senior middle school Chinese, "Accumulation Study", "Experience and Observe Study", "Inquiry Study"
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