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Relative Research On The Relationship Between The Mental Environment Of Students' Families And The Self-learning Motivations

Posted on:2003-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
236 middoe school students were surveyed on the Mental Environment of Students' Family and Learning Scale, Learning Motivation Scale and Self Efficiency ScaleA correlation study was carried out to analyze the relationship between the mental environment of students' families and the self-learning motivations.The results showed that there were no differences between the senior and non-senior students on the mental environment of their familiesThe mental environment of students' families on the economically developed areas was goodJunior students' learning drive was predominated by the surface layer learning motivation and achievement learning motivationThey had high sense of self efficiencyBut they had lower level on the deep layer learning motivationThe comparison between graduating and non-graduating classes of junior middle school students on their learning drives showed that there were significant differences on the deep layer learning motivations.The results also showed that there were significant correlation between the mental environment of family and the learning motivation; between interpersonal relations in the family and the deep-seated learning motivation and between the interpersonal relations in the family and the achievement motivationThe family educational ideas were significantly correlated with the sense of self efficiencyThe way of family breeding was significantly correlated with the deep layer learning motivation and the sense of self efficiencyParents' expectation was significantly correlated with deep-seated learning motivation, achievement motivation and the sense of self efficiencyThe culture atmosphere of family was highly related to the surface layer learning motivationm and significantly related to the deep layer learning motivationIt was also discussed and analyzed the relations between the mental environment of family and the self learning drives and suggestions of optimizing the mental environment of family and stimulating students' learming motivations were proposed..
Keywords/Search Tags:mental environment of family, learming drive, surface layer learning motivation, achievement learning motivation, deep layer learning motivation, self efficiency
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