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A Study On Adult Learning Strategies In U-Learning Environment

Posted on:2019-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330545495198Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Employees are an important resource of enterprise development.Various employee training methods in the ubiquitous learning environment have emerged.It is increasingly clear that external cause is an auxiliary factor,while the internal cause is the primary factor for development.So it is necessary to shift the focus of the talents training research from how to build external learning resources to how to improve internal learning methods.Research on learning strategies can provide essential information regarding the ways of learning among the students and how to improve their learning efficiency.This paper will first review and summarize the context of the learning strategy research,followed with a quantitative analysis on the use of the employees’ learning strategies in a real ubiquitous learning environment.The aim of the paper is to investigate if there are differences in the application of learning strategies in the current employees,and how learning motivation,learning attribution and learning self-efficiency are associated with the learning strategies in the ubiquitous learning environment.The current study recruited 538 employees from a manufacturing enterprise in Xiamen.The learning strategy scale,the learning motivation scale,the learning attribution scale,and the learning self-efficacy scale were administered.The current results showed that:(1)Learning self-efficiency,learning motivation and effort learning attribution had a positive correlation with the employee’s learning strategy,and the ability and fortune attribution have no significant correlation with the employee’s learning strategy.(2)The higher levels of the effort attribution the staff showed,the higher levels of learning motivation they had;the higher levels of motivation the staff had,the more learning strategies they adopted.(3)Learning motivation was indirectly related to learning strategy through learning self-efficiency.The higher levels of learning motivation the employees had,the stronger learning self-efficiency they had,and the employees who had stronger learning self-efficiency also adopted more learning strategies.(4)The effort learning attribution was positively associated with the ability learning attribution.The results of this paper had great implication to the adult learning and the talents training in enterprise.According to the staff’s personal learning characteristics,the enterprise can give more effective and scientific direction for cultivating the learning strategy and improve their learning efficiency.On the other hand,the learners can also improve their spontaneity in on-the-job training by learning from learning characteristics of other excellent learners.
Keywords/Search Tags:learning strategy, learning motivation, learning attribution, learning self-efficiency, the ubiquitous learning environment
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