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A New English Curriculum-Based Study On Strategies For Promoting Senior High School Students To Learn English Autonomously

Posted on:2005-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P DaiFull Text:PDF
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Since 1980's, the educational concept of autonomous learning as an essential theory has been paid a great deal of attention to by many educationists home and abroad. It encourages students to learn autonomously and to take the results seriously. It lays stress on students themselves and on fostering the students' ability to study on their own. The obtaining of the ability of autonomous learning is the foundation and mainstay of a learner's future continual development. Therefore, teachers should try hard to carry out the practical teaching activities, and foster the students' ability to study on their own.In the 21st century, talented men with spirit of innovation and practical ability will be needed in large amount. But because of the effect of our traditional educational system, students in senior high school have been learning in a passive way, in which they seldom raise questions of their own, so that they are not good at solving practical problems in their own way. This has been an obstacle for the quality education. So our country has been carrying on the new English Curriculum, which urges all the students to shift their ways of learning and the methods of learning with the help of the teachers. So, in teaching English teachers must try their best to improve their methodology of teaching and lay stress on the students' learning in order to promote them to learn English autonomously instead of learning in a passive way before. Only in this way can the students obtain knowledge and know how to use the language flexibly and properly. As English teachers, I think we must adopt the following strategies to promote the students to learn autonomously on the purpose of fostering their ability of autonomous learning and make them become little masters and experts of learning.We should follow some principles: autonomous principles, research principles, cooperative principles, and flexible principles.We should create a light psychological environment, positive atmosphere, a language context and leave some time for the students to learn autonomously.In our teaching designs, we should not only have language goals, but also developing goals for the students. We should create democratic and open learning and teaching styles to foster the students' ability of autonomous learning in the course of researching and experiencing.We should make the students want to learn,know how to learn and learn well by creating real contexts, designing true tasks,and flexible activities for the students to communicate and participate. After these, we must develop some teaching models, such as task-basked ones, activity-based ones and so on.We should help the students to form their own effective learning strategies, such as previewing,making notes,extensive reading,getting more information in different ways.We should evaluate the students in proper ways and also make the students evaluate themselves and each other. We must focus not only on the students' final results of examinations, but also their participation in learning, so that the students can know how they are getting along with their studies. They can adjust their learning strategies. I think there is something new and innovative in my paper. While teaching, I have found out some practical strategies to promote the students to learn autonomously and my students are making rapid progress in English learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:New English Curriculum, Senior English Teaching, Autonomous Learning, Strategies
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