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The Influence Of Cyber Culture On University Students' Ideology And Morals And Its Educational Strategies

Posted on:2006-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Q TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360182467347Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The cyber culture, thriving on the basis of the computer and cyber technology, has widely penetrated into various fields of our society and thus exerted marked and far-reaching influences on people's morals and ideology, value of life, and behavior and the like. Consequently, it has brought about great challenges to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and expanded its educational fields and areas as well. This thesis sets out to analyze the definition, characteristics, genres, content, structure and functions of cyber culture; and then on that basis, it further explores the development and communication laws of cyber culture, the relationship between cyber culture and campus culture, with an emphasis laid on discussing what effects and through which channels and under what operational mechanism that cyber culture has made on college students' ideology and moral character. Lastly, the author puts forward the strategies about how to strengthen ideological and moral education in colleges and universities under the influence of cyber culture.The main idea of the thesis is as follows:Cyber culture is a kind of information culture that was given birth to by the new economy mode — cyber economy. It is characterized by the globalization of cyber and information structure and high technology in the practical operation. It is the spiritual creation of Internet on the basis of its production of material wealth, that is, the sum of spiritual phenomena related to the Internet that are formed according to certain cyber regulations and rules. Cyber culture has its own logical structure and levels with the cyber culture on the material level, institutional level, and spiritual level as the materialization foundation, basic regulations and rules, and rational analysis of cyber culture respectively.Cyber culture is a "double-edged dagger" which has both the positive and negative influences on the college student' ideological and morals. On one hand, it has widened the horizon of college students, contributing a lot to the cultivation of their individualityand creative awareness and increasing their patriotism as well. On the other hand, cyber culture results in the morality in the relative sense, the distant relationship among people, the deviation of values, the changes in the modes of thinking, and nonstandard moral behaviors, etc...The influences of cyber culture on college students' ideological and moral education are mainly manifested in two aspects: firstly, it has influenced society and its people, thus university students' ideology and morals. Secondly, it has a direct influence on the campus culture that university students are living in. The mechanism of cyber culture's influence on college students' ideology and moral character is the direct interaction of university students and Internet and its cyber culture.On the basis of systematic analysis, the author puts forward strategies as to strengthen the ideological and moral education under the influence of cyber culture: the first is to set the rules for cyber ideological and moral education; the second is to due attention should be paid to improve students' abilities to distinguish valuable information from harmful information; the third is to cultivate educators skilled in cyber ideological and moral education; the fourth is to establish a platform for cyber ideological and moral education.
Keywords/Search Tags:cyber culture, university students, ideology and Omoral character, operational mechanism, educational strategies
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