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A Study On The Particularity Of Consumption Thought Of Present Transformational Society Of China

Posted on:2007-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M WeiFull Text:PDF
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Consumption is main contents of human society. It's important for consumption to steer human being what to consume and how to consume. Sociologically, this article analyizes the connotation, attribute, gradation and it's decisive factor of consumption.This article also analyzes connotation, effects of consumption thought and it's decisive factors. By reading documents,the writer analyzes consumption thoughts and their roles and effects of agricultural , industrial and information society respectively. Thrift consumption thought was leading in agracultural society. This consumption thought played important part in social development and stability in agracultural society, because it was fit for the level of science and technology and productive force at that time.Another consumption thought in agricultural society was luxurious consumption thought, which was opposite to thrift consumption thought. The writer believe that the contradition of these consumption thoughts were a basic one in agricultural society. There are two types of luxurious consumption thought.One is for pleasure,the other is for the resolution of social problems. The former is irrational because it is unfit for the level of science and technology and productive force of that period.The latter may play a tenporary part when there's social problems. In the early period of industrial society, thrift consumption thought, which played a great role in proto accumulation of capital, was also leading. But it lost its lead because of the role that luxurious consumption thouhgt played in the Depression between 1929 and 1933. Consumist,which made consumption cabacolized, appeared in America and other western capitalism countries succesively in 50s and 60s of nineteenth century. Consumist put so great stress on material consumption that a series of social problems such as unbalance of consumption structure, the growing inequality between rich and poor and the serious destruction of ecological environment.As a result, Moderate consumption thought was futher developed by some scholars. Unfortionately, other people paid little attention to it. Since about 1990s human being has been entering information soceity gradually and succesively. Green consumption thought, sustainable consumption thought which show the faerness, moderation and harmony of consumption. This is the result of the development and sublimation of human sociality . By uniting theory to practice, the writer holds the idea that China should attach importance to the following consumption thoughts.1) China should foster market consumption thought and overcome material dependence to optimize consumption structure. 2) China should put emphasis on society-oriented consumption thought and ecological consumption thought to resolve the existing social ang ecological problem. 3) China should foster individulization cosumption thought in order to shake off human mutual dependence to a further degree and makes efforts to get closer to the third social formation. The writer believe that rotional consumtion thought is an important content of our harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Consumption Thought, Science and Technology and Productive Force, Development of Human Being and It's Society, Transformational China's Consumption Thought
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