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Mass’ Automobile Consumption Of Consumption Society

Posted on:2015-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y GongFull Text:PDF
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The purpose of this thesis is to explore the mass’ car consumption atpresent. With the consumption society and the automobile society’s arrival, carbecomes more and more popular. The mass’ car consumption is worth ofparticular concern.The thesis includes four parts. As the first part, introduction containsbackground, significance and methods. The second part is about literaturereview on consumption society and Mass’ automobile consumptionconcept.The third part is the main part of the article. Five aspects---consumestructure, consume mode, consume object, consume decision and consumetrend were analyzed in this part.According to the author’s investigation, the most expensive cost of theconsume structure is gasoline fee. For the consume mode, full paymentis preferred. And the cars with engine’s size of1.0-1.6L are of most popular. Inthe time, male is of dominate, but women’s influence is increasing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Consumption Society, Automobile Consumption, Mass Consumption Structure
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