The population of a country or a district has a big influence on its economy, so population prediction is very important to the development of future society and economy. What this paper studies are kinds of models about population prediction.At first, this paper looks back the development of population prediction and population models, and lists some simple models in common use. Then, based on Malthus population prediction model, some new population models are brought in considering more kinds of factors. After studying the ODE model and PDE model, we can get Logistic population model from ODE, predict and analyse the population of Zhejiang Province based on the model, compare the predicted population with the real population, and discuss the good and the bad of the model. We can get more accurate predicted population from the PDE model than the ODE model and age-specific predicted population. And this paper discusses the deathrate function that plays an important role in the model and a numerical method is provided to solve the model. At the end, this paper discusses the influence of population transference to the PDE model. |