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Research On Rich Practical Knowledge Promoting Chemistry Teachers' Professional Growth

Posted on:2007-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K ZhuFull Text:PDF
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The focal point of the research on teachers' professional development lies in two aspects. One is the process of the professional development that teachers actually experience. The other is the promoting way of teachers' professional development. Relatively speaking, however, the research on the process of teachers' professional development is comparatively successful while the one on the conscious promotion and effects on teachers' professional development is comparatively weak.The teachers' professional skills are mainly improved during the course of the job. The development of the teachers' profession lies in the core of acquiring practical knowledge from dealing with complex and uncertain circumstances, especially knowing how to put the definite knowledge into teaching practice. In other words, the main content of the teachers" development is to improve and enrich their practical knowledge. In fact, what a teacher develops is that he should keep improving himself in practical knowledge and becomes an expert teacher from a newer or an experienced teacher. Hence how to improve teachers' practical knowledge and promote the teachers" professional growth is the focus and difficulty of the teaching and researching department, which undertakes developing teachers' professional skills under the circumstances of the new course reform.Combining the researcher's own work, this essay does some research through some articles" comments, actual research and practical experiments etc. on "how to enrich chemistry teachers" practical knowledge and promote his or her professional growth" and has obtained some research conclusion and practical effect.First of all, the essay explicates the definition of the concept of "the teachers' knowledge" according to the theory-part research. It points out the characteristics of a teacher's practical knowledge of and analyzes the possible construction path of practical knowledge. Thus, it indicates the path of the activity for opening a correspond way of teaching and research. At the same time, the understanding of the mode, motive and characteristics of teachers' professional growth can help organizer implement the activity by analyzing and holding the teacher's growth condition all-directionally on the basis of the theories of development.Next, the research part is about how much chemistry teachers master the practical knowledge and how they gain it, through questionnaire and by going into their classes and talking to them face to face. What's more, it's also about how to enrich their practical knowledge and make their advantages fully developed. We also...
Keywords/Search Tags:practical knowledge, professional growth, teaching and research method
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