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From "Determination" To "Construction"

Posted on:2008-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sociology of Knowledge concentrating on the relation between Knowledge and Society as a branch of sociology. The development and diversification of Sociology of Knowledge going with Sociology itself. In different stage of development, it exhibited different conformation of theory and pattern of research. As so far, Sociology of Knowledge has experienced three stages and formed three theory genres, they are called (Classical)Sociology of Knowledge, Sociology of Science and Sociology of Scientific Knowledge. This article will try to recognize the history of Sociology of Knowledge, stress different answers that given by three genres to the relation between Knowledge and Society. The author hope recognize complex relation between Sociology of Knowledge and Sociology, Sociology and Society. In classical Sociology of Knowledge, sociologists build "Knowledge and Society" as its theme.They considered Society determined Knowledge, whatever form or content by epistemology research. After Mannheim, sociologists didn't content with this general "social determinism" any more, they regard creation, transmition and acception of knowledge as the result of special systems.They inclined the social influence on science system and then translated the theme into science system research. Entering 20th 70's, SSK which rising from European continued traditional analysis path and absorbed achievement of Sociology of Science, it emphasized Social construction on Knowledge. Completed this process, namely from "determination" to "construction". This transformation reflected the difference of perspective of sociologists. And this procession not only reflection of development of Sociology ,but result of social development and human view on knowledge changing. Finally the author wish caming to the conclusion that Knowledge is a ideal expression of Society. This article not only a research on academic history of Sociology of Knowledge, but as an exploration of Sociology Theory with method of Sociology of Knowledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge and Sociology, Sociology of Knowledge, Sociology of Science, Sociology of Science Knowledge
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