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The Actualities And Countermeasures For Development Of School PE For Special Education In Shaanxi Province

Posted on:2008-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360215499461Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
By using documentary data, questionnaire, survey, interview, systemsanalysis and mathematical statistics, the thesis has made a thorough investigation intothe present situation of PE teaching, extracurricular sports, PE teachers, PE space andequipment and PE funds in sports. The results have indicated that: director departmentand superior leaders pay less attention to school PE for special education; the numberand the professional knowledge of PE teachers are severity, short; PE funds,. PE spaceand equipment are especially short and simplistic; the teaching aim of teachers isambiguous; there is a strong inclination of the students to PE class but less participation;PE teaching contents focuses on the sports items; the organization form of PE class issimplistic; fewer PE teachers have entered the class with teaching plans; there is nospecial teaching material for disabled students; the standard of PE health courses has notbeen put into effect; the standard of estimation for PE achievement is disordered andsimplistic, and different PE teachers have different estimation methods; morning andplaytime exercises are more workable but simplistic; the development and organizationinstruction of class PE exercises and extracurricular PE activities are bad; training andcompetition of outdoor PE is not common; students show little interest inextracurricular sports; the organization form of extracurricular is simplistic; thestructure of PE teachers is unreasonable; PE teachers have heavier load; the stability ofPE teachers is not solid; few teachers go to service in training; schools pay littleattention to scientific research and the research papers of PE teachers is small and on alower level. Aiming at the PE present problems in school of special education inShaanxi province and on the basis of the above investigations, the paper has put forwardrelevant countermeasures and suggestions: government and superior leaders should paymore attention and invest much more funds to school PE for special education; usingvaries approaches and measures to develop the channel to gain funds; PE space andequipment should be improved; the management and inspection of PE class teachingshould be enforced; the conception of PE teaching should be renovate and then build upthe instructional idea of "healthiness be the first"; the PE teaching materials should bedeveloped; the forms and contents of PE class teaching should be enrich; the system of assessing PE scores should be multi-evaluation contents and approaches; theorganization of extracurricular activities should be enhanced and becomestandardization and regularity; the training of PE teachers should be enhance; theresearch of PE for special education should be advanced; the PE consciousness ofstudents should be raised。...
Keywords/Search Tags:Shaanxi province, school for special education, school PE, disable students, actualities, countermeasure
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