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The Issue Of Property Rights On Independent Colleges

Posted on:2009-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L T PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360242468165Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the development of China's higher education popularization of China's higher education and the continuous deepening of reform, the development of higher education in China showing a multi-form and multi-standard, multi-level development trend. The sudden emergence of independent colleges in recent years, is a major breakthrough in the reform of higher education, it not only for the emergence of social forces to provide more investment opportunities for the development, but also conforms to the development of higher education.From the perspective of property rights to interpret the sustainable development of independent colleges, independent colleges to reveal the current status of property rights, existing problems and the reasons for the problems and propose construction of the property rights system independent colleges focus mainly sources for the current Independent Colleges can continuous development theory and practice significance.The article first outlined the background of Independent Colleges and basic features, and then from the property starting with the basic theory of economics, analyzed the status of the independent Institute of property rights and, based on this, the Independent Institute has defined property rights, and that property rights of the independent Institute Characteristics of pluralism and diversity, its ownership in the school and the right to belong to different receipts, and other main characteristics, including independent institutions themselves, private investors and the mother of University College constituents in the property rights of independent content. The article focused on the status of the independent Institute of property rights, as well as the main elements of the property ownership is not clear, the main corporate status responsibility, right and profit inconsistency between the intangible property not included in the scope of issues such as property rights, and analyze these problems of direct and indirect causes, that is not a sound legal system, the new school management mechanism and the school, the implementation of quick success thinking. To address the problem, the article discusses how to build the sustainable development of Independent Colleges property rights system. Proposing to build sustainable development of independent colleges the basic principles of property rights system, we must establish a sustainable development of Independent Colleges property rights system must be clarity of the structure of property rights Independent Colleges and corporate governance structure, and from the investment side, held and the three independent colleges a joint-stock ownership exposition of Independent Colleges shareholding system of property rights to the realization of the equity shareholding system reform and an assessment of intangible assets, regulate internal University use of the state-owned assets management and supervision, and increase the government's macro-control and the improvement of legislation a number of recommendations and observations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Independent Colleges, Universities mother, the property rights system and corporate
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