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Staying On The Issue Of Children In Rural Areas

Posted on:2008-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural children are staying in China "Three Rural Issues" of derivatives, is accompanied by outward movement of rural labor generated a great social groups. This group has interests in the community and the academic community has aroused widespread concern. Rear children in the rural areas the proportion of children larger, they itself is a larger social groups, the National approximately over 3,000 million people. Among them, a considerable number of people, in education, physical safety and psychological development process itself exposes some of the problems and the resulting social problems many people deeply worried that their fate is bound to the development and the future development of our society have not to estimate the impact.Staying the rural children have a variety of reasons for staying in rural areas neglected the healthy growth of children, bound to trigger a variety of problems, family and social life to the cause adverse consequences. Rural rear children for the performance of the main characteristics of complex, unique, regional, structural and long-term; its essence, rural rear children is a concentrated expression of the integration of urban and rural civilization in the social transformation integrated education of minors, which reflects one aspect of China's urban development and rural development, economic development and social development uncoordinated status quo. Rural rear children issue is related to the sustainable economic and social development and building a harmonious society, through the implementation of the integrated management of its ways and means to be properly settled.Staying children solve problems in rural areas, depend on the national government for "the urban and rural" economic system, the fundamental reform of the household registration system, which is currently recognized solve the problem of children in rural areas stay the fundamental way. Of course, staying with the interests of children in rural areas directly related to the reform of the management system of compulsory education are also essential. Rural children problem is not staying within a short time can be resolved. Of course, rear children's issues are inseparable from the entire society to resolve the active support and participation. This paper based on the information gathered, summarized the status of children in rural areas and staying development prospects of staying in summing up a series of outstanding children's education and psychological problems as well as the formation of some social problems, the analysis of these educational and psychological problems, the fundamental social problem reasons for staying to solve the problems of children in rural areas some of the measures and methods in order to arouse the attention of social authorities for the building of a harmonious socialist new rural reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unattended children, The status quo Education problems, Psychological Problems, Social problems
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