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Rural Culture Conflict Under The Background Of Social Transition

Posted on:2009-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q YanFull Text:PDF
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This paper studies a culture conflict problem under a special Christmas Day phenomena in the "ying" village of Northwest China, the researcher carefully involved and observed the "rural residents celebrate Christmas" phenomena, and do further deeper interview, found that the Christianity as a symbol of western culture, experienced "culture conflict" course when encountered the folk culture in the Chinese Missionizing. And the result of the "culture conflict" is promoteing the restructure of the rural traditional beliefs.This research discovers that under the background of the Chinese social transform, the villages lacks amusements, the Christianity developed a special mode "put festival into village" to diffuse its religion and culture.This way partly hiddened its religionary identity and partly counteracted its "identity tension",and attracted so many villagers to attend ,.However, along with the developping effects of Christianity ,the power and the characteristic of "alien culture" promotes the village elites to bring the "culture consciousness" and became resist use its special ways. To bulid the "village temple" and rebulid village beliefs are the main ways.Then, the Christian's action of boycotting the donating money to the temple intensified the conflict, which lead the village organization use its resources to do "soft punishment" to the Christian. The village organization choose to celebrate the "temple fair" in the "village numen's birthday",and declares the reback of the traditional bulit a new structure of the village culture.This research also shows that the alien culture have strong adaptability and flexibility when entering a tradional rural community, the compact religion organization is the main pushing power of the Christmas in rural areas. The compact organization ,the compact plan, and the various diffusing style are the main reason that Christian culture diffused so fast. Comparatively, the folk "HuaZi" organizations in village show the spontaneous and uncompact characteristics. The organization power and effects can only be intensified in the family and clan culture's calling.Meanwhile, we also find that the folk culture have the multiple characteristics of "inertia" and "elasticity", when the system space contracted, it contracted, and vice versa. The resume course will be accelerated under special phenomena or strongly effected by the "alien culture".The restructured traditional village culture have some modern characteristics. Through the differend style of celebrating festival, the structure of the village culture have new contents and new forms under the social transform background.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese NorthWest Village, Folk Culture, Christianity, Christmas Day, Culture conflict
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