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Teachers' Collaboration In Their Professional Development Scence

Posted on:2011-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T DanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360302997387Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research on teachers'collaboration due to these two aspects:firstly, it is rising accompanied with the shift of research on teachers'professional development towards the ecological orientation, which determined the theoretical pursuit of teacher collaboration intrinsically; secondly, it is due to the scarcity and imitation of teachers'collaboration, In the practice, the fate of teachers' collaboration is not as affirmative as we hope, and this situation is restricted by the isolated feature of teachers'work, the competitive system of school organization as well as the conservatism of traditional teacher culture.This dissertation started based on the theoretical perspective of the ecological orientation of teachers'professional development, the researcher selected a primary school and a secondary school as two cases to study by using the grounded theory approach,which is one of qualitative research methods. In this study, multiple methods is used in data collection, including interview, observation and so on, categorization is used in the process of data analying. The researcher selected a inductive research route to study,that is:studying from practice to theory,from specific phenomenon to abstract ideas. theory construction is based on data analying in this dissertation.This dissertation consists of three parts. In part one, the researcher have a description of the phenomenon about master tutoring apprentice, lesson planning collectively and team teaching,which are three typical forms of teachers'collaboration occurred in these two schools. In part two, the researcher have a comprehensive analysis to thess three forms of teacher collaboration from three dimensions:technical, interactive and cultural. Analysis in the technical dimension demonstrate that:ompared with "one to one"and "many to many" relationship between master and apprentice,the form of one master to manymaster" is both reasonable and feasible. There isn't complete difference about teachers'professional development between the practice-reflection orientation and the ecological orientation, yet these two orientation is overlapping. Analysis in the interactive dimension demonstrate that:in reality,as the leader of teachers'collaboration, the hand of teaching and research plays a role of administrator overly;as the platform of teachers'collaboration, the organization of teaching and research group is also endowed with much more administrative function. These two aspects generate and strengthen each other mutually,which makes teachers' collaboration got rid of its true state and hamper teachers'professional development. The ideal state of teachers'collaboration is that:they have cognitive conflicts based on their Emotional trust. Teachers'capital of collaboration have an influence of the depth and persistence in teachers' collaboration..Effective and sustained collaboration of teachers is "win-win", "symbiotic" collaboration. Analysis in the interactive dimension demonstrate that:teacher evaluation system about collaboration have an important influence on teachers'collaboration.To make teachers' collaboration have a long-running mechanism,we should establish collaborative school culture and teacher culture.In part three, the researcher establishes a theoretical framework for understanding teacher collaboration based on the ecological orientation in teachers'professional development. In this theoretical framework, teacher collaboration is composed of teacher individual and the circumstance around him,the later can be devided into two aspects according to their different nature.these three aspects have an influence and interaction on each other, then an inclusive structure is established,in which is teacher individual.In the end of this dissertation, based on the research which has been completed, the researcher provides some practical suggestions for schools to promote teachers'collaboration. To ensure teachers'collaboration to be real, effective and long-lasting,schools should provide teachers with external support. First, schools should improve school culture to cultivate collaborative and trusty teacher culture. Second, schools should innovate teacher evaluation and make "symbiotic"to be the values of teachers'collaboration, and make teachers'desire of collaboration have a conversion of their collaboration behavior. Third, schools should change its organization, make the leader of teachers'collaboration——especially the hand of teaching and research to be a professional; and make the platform of teachers'collaboration——especially the organization of teaching and research group to return its pofessional property. Fourth, schools should make teachers'capital of collaboration balanced,and add teachers'capital of collaboration who is poor of that,ensure teachers'benefit which they have paid and returned to be balanced.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teachers' collaboration, teachers' professional development, teachers' collaborative culture, the grounded theory
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