The kiln site at Silongkou is one of the major Yuezhou kilns. In view of the thick layers deposited in this site, the Silongkou kiln began producing porcelain from late Tang Dynasty. During a span of about300years from Tang to the Southern Song, this kiln site had undergone many major modifications and reconstructions. According to archaeological work, the whole development process can be roughly divided into six stages,and the most interesting one is the sixth stage where the sky-blue glaze wares and specialized support pins were found. There is a heated discussion about what kiln type the sixth stage belongs to. Based on the kiln implement information in the archaeological report The Yuezhou Kiln Site At Silongkou, this paper will rearrange kiln implement chronologically, aiming to find out how the most-advanced firing technology of Yuezhou kilns developed as well as shed light on the problem of the sixth stage. |