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Research On Legal Issues Of International Trade And Environmental Protection

Posted on:2016-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330461463390Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the further progress of globalization, environmental problems stand out with the increase of international communication and international trade. Global environmental problems have been the common focus. To curb environmental problems, maintain ecological balance, many countries have their domestic environment laws and they have made some international treaties, which have achieved good result to some degree.Obviously, it is impossible to completely deal with environmental problems by some simple domestic laws and some international treaty. Regionalism of environmental problems and complicacy of governance process require mutual cooperation and Intercoordination between country and country, country and region, region and region. The differences of regional development and environmental legal system of each country and contradiction of international environment treaties will be problems to global environment governance. How to coordinate the conflict? How to balance international environment legal system? How form a unified standard of international environment protection treaties?In the process of dealing with environmental problems, international treaties and domestic laws have some certain normalized usage and disciplinary function. From the previous international law practical experience, ecological compensation system, environmental taxation system, emissions trading, and environmental nonprofit litigation are frequently used.However, on account of difference and overlap of each international treaty and defect of international environment legal system lead to the inextricability of global environmental problems. As one of the ultimate law system in the aspect of international trade and environment protection, WTO rule has a positive effect on promoting trade and environment protection. However, the conflict between WTO rule and environment protection is unavoidable. Therefore, the thesis not only focus on analyzing and discussing international trade and environment protection in WTO rule, but also putting forward some ideas on our environment protection law system.
Keywords/Search Tags:International trade, Environmental protection, International Law
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