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Study On The Construction Of New Countryside In Shanghai Suburb Under The Background Of Ecological Civilization

Posted on:2015-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ShengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330467954144Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China point out,the ecological civilization construction in a prominent position, theintegration of economic construction, political construction, culturalconstruction, social construction and the whole process, and strive tobuild a beautiful China. In the big background of ecological civilizationconstruction, how to develop the rural outskirts of buildinginternational metropolis, with a China characteristics exploration fieldnot only, will also be a demonstration and reference for the new ruralconstruction in other regions. In Shanghai, the new rural reconstructionto total target around the Shanghai building the "four centers" and amodern international metropolis, in accordance with the synchronousdevelopment of industrialization, urbanization and agriculturalmodernization, innovation drive, transition and development,accelerating the construction of new countryside, realizing industrydevelopment, rural prosperity and rich farmers, and strive to walk in thecountry at the forefront of the basic realization of agriculturalmodernization and the urban and rural economic and social integrationprocess. Therefore, this paper will take the ecological civilization ofMarx Engels’s concept as a guide, around the "relationship between manand nature" as the core concept, combined with the actual situation ofthe rural ecological environment and the need to practice, SongjiangDistrict Xinbang town as the research object to conduct the analysisresearch, in order to make the construction of new socialist countrysideother same type area to provide the theoretical basis and practical way.The thesis consists of five parts:The first part mainly reviews theoretical review on the researchstatus of domestic and foreign scholars about the ecological civilizationconstruction in the new countryside is in recent years, and briefly introduces the research background, research significance, researchideas and research methods.The second part focuses on the ecological civilization is theimportant content and the connotation in the process of new ruralconstruction. On the dialectical relationship between Marx’s human andnature as an important basis for the analysis of Marx’s view of nature,the important ecological ideas, explore Marx’s view of nature incontemporary universal values and the harmonious development of man andnature should be natural view and the view of social development. On thisbasis, analysis and demonstration of ecological civilization from thepoint of view is the inner requirement of new rural construction, but alsosolve the important principles that must be adhered to in the process ofnew rural construction predicament.The third part discusses the new situation facing the rural ecologicalenvironment at the present stage of the suburbs of Shanghai, and theexisting problems and the causes. Through the angle from the economicfactors, social factors, cultural factors, political factors cause therural ecological environment pollution and destruction, in order to showthe path of new rural construction in the suburbs to ecologicalcivilization as the basic principles of planning and promoting.In the fourth part of the current development of Songjiang DistrictXinbang town and the specific practice and as the research object, fromthe perspective of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature view, putforward the concrete path and mode of ecological civilizationconstruction of new countryside, and pointed out that the ecologicalcivilization construction of new countryside and achievements andproblems existing in the Xinbang town.The fifth part introduces the lively practice of Xinbang town on theoutskirts of Shanghai new rural construction of inspiration and reference, the relationship should be well handled in the process of new countrysideconstruction from the positive construction of ecological consciousness,ecological industry, ecological living environment, ecological and otheraspects of the system, so as to realize the rural social economicdevelopment and ecological civilization construction of harmonious unityand the all-round development of human freedom.
Keywords/Search Tags:the new rural construction, ecologicalcivilization, route Xinbang town
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