Theoretically, this paper is based on new-new trade theory, using the single firm as the subject of study. Empirically, this paper uses 1998-2007 Chinese manufacturing firm-level data of 18 industries. Firstly, to make an comparison between the exporters and non-exporters. Secondly, to examine the relationship between firm heterogeneous and exporting via a panel data fixed effect OLS regression. This paper examine the impact of productivity on export choice, then introduce some new factor, which are human resources, technology innovation and management, to examine the relationship between new factors and export scale. Based on the above analysis, this paper provides some corresponding suggestions and implications.The main empirical results are following. First, the exporting behavior of firms conforms to new-new trade theory in our country. That is to say, exporting has an close relationship with the productivity of firms. The more productive firms choose to enter the export market, and the lower productivity firms choose to sale in local market. However, the relationship between exporting and productivity varies according to the ownership. Besides, the human resources and technology innovation have a positive correlation with export scale, while the relationship between management and export scale is not obvious. |