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An Empirical Analysis Of The Influence On The Export From The Export Credit Insurance

Posted on:2007-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W P HouFull Text:PDF
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Export credit insurance insures the credit of foreign buyers in international trade and investment, and it is a credit insurance which is marked by the legal rights an export enterprise ought to have. As a non-profiting insurance, export credit insurance is usually funded by the federal government, and is carried out with the purpose of facilitating domestic export and safeguarding the receipt of export revenue. China export and credit insurance corporation was founded in Beijing on 18th December 2001, an combination of the activities of export and import bank of China and people'insurance corporation of China, which is a landmark of China'export credit insurance. This article tries to give an empirical analysis of China'export credit insurance and the foreign trade. Firstly an brief introduction of the concept of export credit insurance and its development in some foreign countries (take France and Germany as examples) is made, also a general description of the development of China's export credit insurance, then an empirical analysis is made between the export credit insurance and the foreign trade, lastly on the basis of the data of export credit insurance and the export from 1989 on, an empirical analysis is finally made, which includes: the stability testing of the two data, the co integration test between the two data and lastly the Granger test. All of the above leads to the conclusion that in fact export credit insurance does not granger cause export according to the test, while the former still influences the latter to some degree. Finally the current conditions especially the problems of China's export credit insurance are listed including the lagged development, the lack of legal support, the lack of risk awareness, the incompleteness of the risk assessment system and also the over highly premium rate, according some suggestions are made.
Keywords/Search Tags:export credit insurance, export, granger test suggestions
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