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Transformation Of Rural Governance: From Administrative Governance To Community-based Governance-a Case Of Village A

Posted on:2010-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2196360302988293Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From land reform to agricultural co-operation, from the People's Commune to villager autonomy and to The Rural Community Construction in present, Rural governance had gone through a changing historical process. The implementation of villager autonomy system had a profound impact on rural society in China. However, because of administrative-oriented features, villager autonomy meets more and more difficulties in practice. Therefore, the transformation of rural governance is imperative.Of this research is based on A village survey found that the building of rural communities based on acquaintance society constructed the operating mechanism which is supported by the three major system that Organizational Guarantee, rule of legislative procedure and capital guarantee in the daily operation, so that the enthusiasm of the mass for participation became unprecedented high. It enhancing the Mass Character and Autonomy and made a great performance. This community-based governance approach to activate the masses of autonomy and the Mass Character, in order to stimulate public participation, to foster the farmer self-governing organization as the orientation, so it become a new kind of governance and a new approach. in transition of rural governance. Of course, owing to lots of limiting factors, as a new type of governance, it is still faced with many challenges and difficulties, and its successful transformation still needs the support by the supply of state system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administration governance, Community governance, Rural Community Construction, Transformation
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