The telecommunication industry depends upon taking high tech. In the initial development period, telecom carriers can easily attract the new consumer for the novel performance of product and service. Most telcos were busier expanding their customer base than increasing their existing customers'value. After more than 10 years high-speed growths, the present telecommunication industry already entered the monopolistic competition stage. The emphasis of competition was transferred from product to customer. In recent years,relationship marketing has aroused the widespread interest in the telecommunication industry.This article summarized the present situation and the characteristic of the telecommunication industry marketing management, analyzed the external environment and the trend of the china united telecommunications corporation XX branch, used the theory about customer relationship life cycle (introduction, growth, maturity, decline) and brought up how to implement the relationship marketing strategy in the china united telecommunications corporation XX branch. To implement this strategy, the company must segment its customer base by value and calculate the value of each of its existing customers. It will then be able to test new policies and offers aimed at increasing the value of any specific segment.At present, most of domestic telecommunication carriers simply divided customers into the low value and the high value base by expense amount, provided different service standard to the customers who have different value. But the customer's value not only expense amount, but also other factors. The service providers have so far underappreciated an alternative: maximizing their new and existing customers'lifetime value. So this article attempts to follow a rigorously quantitative approach to determine each customer's value and to test initiatives that might increase it, involves capturing and analyzing date about customers for the purpose of marketing to and serving them on the basis of the value they are expected to create during their"lifetime"with the company. Leading practitioners annually develop and test thousands of new offers targeted at narrowly defined customer segments and rapidly scale up only the most successful ones. The company can secure a competitive advantage by using similar techniques to extract more value and profit from their customer base. |