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U.s. Human Rights Policy And Idealism

Posted on:2001-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002450451Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Idealism has long been a whque tradition in AInerican foreign policyAfter the end of cold war, the U.S. foreign policy is heer ianuenced by idealism.Human rights diplomacy is the major expression of the idealism in Ainerican China policyFollowng l989, American govennnent began to concern more about the human rightssitUaion in China. President Bush adopted a fairly realistic policy to China, despite the factthat he took some driendly actions under the pressure of election politics. Clinton'sgovemment amer Stressed human rights issue in Sino-U.S. relations, coloring its Chinapolicy with idealism. HoweveT, as time goes by, there are more and more realistic elementsin the making of Clinton's China policy.This paPer is made uP of five pans. The first part has retroSPectively viewed theconception of idea1ism and its evo1ution over the past centuries, its backlash as the cold warended.The second, therd and fodri parts of the thesis elaborate on the change of idealism, thepros and cons in the fight betWeen idealism and realism. Presidellt Bush adOpted realisticpolicy to China for practical reasons. He also took some idealistic actions under the pressureof president eleCtion. At the beginning period of Clinton's presidency, it adopted policy Withdeep color of idealism. Yet there exists great economic and stratCgic conunon groundsbetwCen tWo coUntries, tuming the China policy of C1inton AdndnistIation to be more andmore realistic.Based on the 1ast fOur partS, the fiffo part draws such a conclusion: idealism hassubsided over time due to practical factors including econoInic and strategic ones. Despite allthes, we must realize that hUman righ remains a moral excuse fOr American interventonism,influencing and perp1exing the U.S. China policy after cold war Wth this in Inind, as adeveloping and one of the few socialist coUntries in the world, China must make strenuouseffOrts to deve1op itself econoIIilcal1y and stand firm fOr the five princiPles of peacefulcoexistence in its diplomacy. At the saxne time, comInunications among the high officials,scholars and the public of the twO coUntries must be strengthned, so that the progress ofChina's hUman rights situation would be correct1y viewed by the outside world. We can alsouse economic Strength as a tool to contribute to the positive development of Sino-U.S.relations.Through the studies and analyalng of "idealism" and "realism" in U.S. fOreign policy,useful reference points may be provided for China policy making corresponding policydecision.
Keywords/Search Tags:Idealism
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