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India's Big Powers After The Cold War Strategy And Its Impact On China,

Posted on:2001-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002950065Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the Cold War, lndia pursued a poIicy of nonalignment aod buiIded" SpecialRelations" with Soviet Union one after another to realize its suprpower dream. After the Cold War,tbe superpower Strategy was adjusted. At the new international situations, bybanding together with U. S. A. and Russia, tying to be a long─ member of the U. N.Security CounciI, developing ecoromic diplomacy and the military power, especially thenuclear power, mulating new military strategy, lndia wants to hald sway a relgn over theSouth Asia,control the lndian Ocean,further become a superpower in the World.The reoson why lndia assiduously seeks the position of superpower is contacted withits dominant position in the South Asia, the effect of British colonial rule and internatlonalbackground which U. S. A. and Russia gang up with India activeiy.The conditions of lndia are both advantageous and disadvantageous for the aim of itsbecoming a superpower. On the one hand, lndian democraic politics, the scope ofeconomy,scientific and techtological strength,rich naturol resources and the strong lust forSuperpower 1ay toundation for the superpower strategy of lndia; On the other haod, those ofthe burden of population of lndia, its turbulent political situaion, traditional strength, threesocial contraditions (dognatism, nationalitjes, the problem of caste ) and the curb ofneighboring countries, especiolly Pakistan make it crisis.That ledia develops nuc1ear weapon makes the relation between China and lndiadeteriovation. lt will be more difficult to settle the dispute of the border between China andlndia, meanwhile, it makes the Problem of Tibet worse. Facing the gauntlet, China mustenhance vigilance to lndia and warfore strength at the border between China and lndia,take cooperation and struggle policy to lndia and China should restrain the ledian hegemonyattempt together with other interrelated countries.
Keywords/Search Tags:India, superpower, after the Cold War, sino─India
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