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The Development Of Online Banking And Online Banking To Build

Posted on:2003-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Electronic banking is a profound transform, which is brought to banking by Information Technology Revolution. Network bank is the up-to-date product of that transform. With the development of Information Technology and Electronic Business, and by right of its own advantages, Network bank became the competitive focus of international banking, especially to developed country.Compared with the traditional banking, it has great advantage that the serving manner of network bank and the change it brings to banking management. In view of the growing of itself, Chinese banking should develop network banking base on traditional banking positively. The speed of Chinese network bank development is very fast. But now, there are some problems in concerned basic industry, system of social credit and law, network security, operation, electronic money and so on. The more development of network bank was restricted because of those problems. In the light of WTO agreements, there would be no governmental protecting barrier to Information Technology and Banking in five years after China entered the WTO. Network banking that is the combination of Information Technology and Banking would face to powerful competition of the same trade in developed country. It's really critical. So how to build Chinese network banking is an important task to Chinese banking. Government, central bank and commercial bank should do their own work to study the problem and seek the way of Chinese network banking development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Form and development of network banking, Necessity and problem in the development of Chinese network banking, Building Chinese network banking
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