"Devise strategies within a command to win a victory thousands miles away" this old saying stresses the importance of decision-making.Entering the new century, after China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and integration into the mainstream of world economy, it becomes ever crucial to propel the democratization of Chinese administrative decision-making in a scientific course, which is endowed with vivid characteristic of the times. At the same time, following the deepening reform of Chinese economic and political systems, it is an inevitable trend to form a tidy, united, and effective government. Nevertheless, the first key point is to set up scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism to secure reform of political system. The necessary steps are to make full study prior to implementation of important economic regulations, solving big economic problems, and start-up of large construction projects, and the aim is to establish democratic and scientific executive decision-making organs and therefore guarantee the democratization and Tightness of determinations of government.However, the current domestic executive decision-making system and mode is growing from the previous planning economy. Thereforesome problems have emerged in marketing economy system. Great importance is attached to analysis on establishment of democratic participating mechanism, scientific decision-making system and legal security mechanism in the process of promoting the democratic and scientific executive decision-making system to solve the problems. |